IYF Pork

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IYF Pork: Home - iyfpork.afterbirthcasserole.com
IYF Pork: Home - iyfpork.afterbirthcasserole.com
Biography of the band
Biography of the band
A page to post upcoming shows
A page to post upcoming shows
Links to independent publishers and more
Links to independent publishers and more
Redesign/build a website for my band, IYF Pork.
Photoshop, Notepad
This site is a little dated because it was created prior to enrolling at AICH. As a result of going to college, we haven't been able to practice, record, or play shows. That's one thing I look forward to changing upon graduation. I wanted to include it in my portfolio because it's possibly the best website I'd created prior to enrollment at AICH.